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January 23, 2011



Ah Emma how I shall miss your blog, couldn't you do one on the ever changing UK to prepare us for our return???? Hope settling in goes well and see you hopefully soon on the other side of the pond. And if you are feeling 'homesick' there is always a bed at chez Hollands for you xx

Geraldine Cosgrove

Thought that I would take a peek to see some of your photos - as a reward for submitting my tax form. I agree with Sarah's request for you to do a 'blog' on returning to England.

Thank you for introducing me to Alex. He is a beautiful boy. XX


That's too sad. I'm with the above in clamouring for a UK blog. It would be a great way to keep in touch and, as Sarah says, to reduce our reverse culture shock when we come home!

Etienne and Agnes (wearing socks in bed in Hanoi)

Pleeeaaase, don't stop! It was hard enough to leave DC, what if the Diary goes aussi?


Merci beaucoup Emma de m'avoir fait autant voyagé : concrètement tout d'abord grâce à mon séjour à Washington D.C au moment même où le monde entier découvrait (et s'effrayait ?) de la grippe A (H1N1)au printemps 2009 !
Et que de voyages virtuels grâce à toi ! J'espère être toujours un peu avec toi dans tes voyages , dans un tout petit coin de ta valise ou de ton esprit !

A très bientôt en Angleterre, en France ou ailleurs !

Ta petite cousine française!


interesting information. there is something to think about


like your post

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